Set for Success

We all have different ideas of success. Many believe success is measured by an amount: if I had more _______ (fill in the blank) then I would be successful. Nevertheless, we will continue to forget about the relationships and impact the journey to “success” had on who we have become if we base our ideas of success on completing solely a task.

How to Be Successful in a Team (What)

When individuals form a team, agreeing on one definition of success is important. ¹There are three ways to determine team success, which are listed below:

  1. Developing good social relationships with team members
  2. Completing tasks collectively is better than when only individuals perform the tasks
  3. Participating in a team benefits the individual

Why Does This Matter? (So What)

Firstly, developing good social relationships with fellow members builds trust which results in supporting task activities and maintaining the existence of the team. Here is a website that explains the process for ²Improving Group Dynamics which has a great impact on team success. Secondly, a team that is unable to complete tasks is ineffective for any organization, but this is not the sole measure of team success. Teams who effectively and efficiently complete tasks are necessary for successful organizations. Thirdly, individual benefit or learning new skills allows teams to improve in the future. This improves the long-term success of an organization rather than solely relying on short-term victories.

Teams are becoming more widespread in organizations, and therefore it is important for people to learn what makes a team successful. ³Figure 2 below compares the current function of teams to the hierarchical organizational structure used in the past for Deloitte, an accounting and professional services network organization.

A network of teams

Team Progress (Now What)

My team is in the beginning phase of working as a team. We are currently working on developing good social relationships. For example, my team met at Deets on Sunday (1/28/18) in order to get to know one another in a relaxed, social setting. Additionally, here are a few team building exercises. Our team used the first exercise “What Makes You Tick” as a way to better understand each other’s personalities and strengths. We found that our team has diverse strengths. This means that our team is diverse, which encourages interdependence among members who excel in different areas.

After socializing at Deets we had a team meeting. Our team discussed our personal goals for the team then collaborated to determine the team goals. We ensured that all team members agreed with the team goals in order to maximize motivation among individuals. We also assigned team roles. These roles are to ensure that various aspects of the project get carried out. We assigned roles based on strengths of each team member. Therefore, individuals have the opportunity to carry out the role to their fullest potential.

At our next meeting, we will discuss future tasks that need to be completed and determine a timeline for the completion of these tasks.

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